StyleFashion Resolutions: Setting Intentions for My Ongoing Style Evolution

Fashion Resolutions: Setting Intentions for My Ongoing Style Evolution


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We all evolve with the trends and movement of the times; our styles change, alter, and develop as we learn and grow through life’s stages. As we approach the new year, many of us are inspired to reflect on our personal style and set intentions for effortlessly growing and adapting our look throughout the year. Here are a few ideas to help you transition into the new season, and explore new ways to express yourself through clothes, accessories, and overall style.

1. An Introduction to Embracing Fashion Resolutions

Fashion resolutions are a powerful tool to maintain a stylish and edgy wardrobe! Knowing where to start can seem daunting, but with some knowledge of the basics and a bit of imagination you’ll be able to create your own fashion resolutions that will have you feeling amazing in no time.

Start with the basics. Let current trends guide you by picking out popular colors, cuts, or patterns each season. Then, incorporate them into your wardrobe via staple items such as jeans, a blazer, sweaters, and statement accessories. Keep it simple and classic but also make sure you take a few risks.

Develop a signature look. Getting dressed with intention in the mornings is also important. Pick different key pieces for different occasions, such as a tailored dress for a special event, a staple blazer for running errands, and a pair of stylish jeans for a relaxed outing. With these pieces in mind, create a look that reflects your individual style.

Try new trends. There’s an array of exciting fashion resolutions out there, from retro styles to bold colors. To create your own stand-out wardrobe, mix and match these trends with classic pieces. Try a bright skirt with a plain white t-shirt, layer a lightweight embroidered dress over an oversized knitted sweater, or pair bicyclette shorts with a one-shoulder top.

Shop small. Looking for fashion resolutions can include heading to your favourite high-street store, but why not take it a step further? Supporting smaller, independent boutiques and labels helps support the local economy and celebrate up-and-coming designs. A few unique pieces of clothing could lead to many compliments and still give you that inspired outfit you’re looking for.

Be creative. Making fashion resolutions can also be an endless source of inspiration and fuel your creativity. Shopping through second-hand stores can be fun, as you often stumble upon one-of-a-kind items that can be transformed with a few stitches or DIY techniques. The same can be said for digging through old pieces in the back of your closet – there could be hidden gems waiting to be revealed.

2. Crafting a Personalized Style Vision for the Year Ahead

It’s the start of a new year and a new opportunity to create and renew your personal style vision. Put aside all the distractions and think carefully about what type of wardrobe and aesthetics you want to work on this year. Consider these tips to create the perfect look for yourself and stay inspired all year long!

  • Focus on what you have – Instead of hunting down the latest trends, begin by examining your closet for items that can re-imagined and re-styled. Whether that be through layering garments together or repurposing an item, the possibilities are endless.
  • Choose a few core pieces – Once you’ve established what you have available, determine the core pieces you would like to explore. These will form the foundations of your personal style vision and all other items can be used to enhance it. Choose colours, shapes, and silhouettes that suit your body type and you’ll be on your way to creating an original wardrobe.
  • Invest in staples – Timeless pieces such as trench coats, blazers, and knitwear are often worth investing in as they can be used for years to come and give you the essential bases of a wardrobe that are both practical and stylish.

The final step in constructing a style vision for the year ahead is to simply be yourself. Everyone has their own interpretations of fashion, and that’s what makes each look unique and special. No matter your body type or budget, there is always something out there that suits your taste and preferences. Setting out your wardrobe vision at the beginning of the year will provide you with structure and help you stay creative – so start exploring your options and experiment with what works for you!

3. Implementing Practical Strategies for Lasting Change

Making lasting changes to the way you think and act can be a daunting task. It requires dedication and consistency to create meaningful transformations in your life. Here are three practical strategies for implementing long-term success:

  • Commit to Growth. Commit to putting in the work necessary to make a lasting change. Be prepared to hold yourself accountable, and don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. Create a plan for how to reach your goals and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.
  • Build Sustainable Habits. Make small but significant changes to your routine and lifestyle. Set goals that are attainable and that support your desired change. Habits that stick should feel comfortable and easily fit into your day-to-day routines.
  • Focus on Your Strengths. Change is often times difficult, but can be made easier by looking at the situation through a positive lens. Celebrate your successes, and take every opportunity to build on them. By focusing on positive attributes, it can be easier to stay motivated and encouraged.

Beyond these strategies, look for additional tools that can help in your journey. Use existing resources, such as books and courses, to your advantage to remain focused and organized. Additionally, practice the power of presence: stay mindful of your thoughts and how they’re influencing your behavior. By accounting for how current actions will shape your outcome, you’ll be more likely to achieve greater levels of success.

Another way to approach change is by setting realistic expectations for yourself. It can be helpful to be aware of potential challenges and how to best handle them when they arise. Don’t be too hard on yourself, though. Developing new habits and behaviors takes time and patience.

Deploying practical strategies for lasting change can provide fruitful results with deliberate effort. With a combination of dedication, preparedness, and self-awareness, anyone can make a positive transformation in their life.

4. Celebrating the Joy of Expanding Your Fashion Horizons

Exploring new styles and fashion trends can be incredibly exciting. Whether you’re making a subtle tweak to an outfit or going full out with a new trend, it’s a great way to show off your personality and attitude. Here are some tips for embracing new fashion trends:

  • Take it slow:Don’t try to do it all at once. Pick one article of clothing, style, or trend that looks interesting and gradually incorporate it into your wardrobe. Have fun mixing and matching multiple items into your outfit, and you’ll soon feel more comfortable branching out in your fashion choices.
  • Find inspiration:Before you even embark on this journey, make sure to have some sort of inspiration to draw on. Check out what others are wearing or even look at old photos of yourself. Draw upon the way you used to dress for ideas.
  • Be brave:Finally, the most important thing is to just let go and be brave. Take risks, and don’t be afraid to try something daring. If you’re bold enough, you can make a statement with your clothing and stand out in a crowd.

Having fun with fashion doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Whether you are shopping for new pieces or just looking for creative ways to upgrade your existing wardrobe, expressing yourself through fashion can be a great way to show that you are open to new experiences. With some imagination and experimentation, you too can find joy in expanding your fashion horizons.

On the other hand, if you’re not quite ready to take such a big leap, you can always update your style by making changes that are a little less apparent. Even subtle adjustments can make a noticeable impact and give you the confidence to make more significant changes in the future.

Finally, let your wardrobe reflect who you are. Everyone’s style is unique to them, so embrace the opportunity to experiment and find something that really speaks to you. is an exciting process and journey, and it can be immensely rewarding when you find looks and pieces that genuinely make you feel good.

Achieving our sartorial resolutions is much like a journey. Finding our individual style and evolving as pieces of clothing come and go are all part of the adventure. Let’s make 2021 our most fashionable yet, and continue to strive to set intentions that will help us reach our fashion goals!


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